We do always the best to take the advantages of capable experienced managers, rendering the most desirable services; best qualities suit with client’s budget and only think about the customer satisfaction all over the world. This company is ready to present wide range of services in different fieldsand presentsall services based on international standards by cooperating with affiliated companies. Again thanks for choosing us for utilizing our services.

IES Certificates


IES Managment

IES Marketing



Using of IES Certificates

International Education Solidarity (IES) was founded in 2013 and have gained significant positions in the global labour market. The certificate does not assess the graduate’s knowledge, but complements the information on the quality level of his/her education. The advantage of the certificate is its clarity, because it is always issued in English and the official language of a particular country.

We are pleased with interest of people from 34 countries. The Certificate declares the education level and experience in certain field. It is issued in English only.

Informing and Introducing Individual Empowerment Skills Site and Training for Business Success

IES Academy is an information institute on online short skills-based training for International community to help individuals, teams and organizations improve performance. We teach you one-on-one tutoring, group workshops, large seminars, and blended learning options across a range of subject areas. Our training provision is pragmatically designed and applied with minimal jargon and theoretical hype. We work with organisations to understand what improvements they want and we design and deliver training and development courses and programmes according to those specific requirements.

Leadership training programmes, management training and team building are core business development modules that we deliver both in house and as scheduled open courses. Effective leaders, cohesive teams and staff engagement impact on organisational efficiency, customer service, aid staff retention and reflect on sales and profitability.

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